





Kill someone for disagreeing with your beliefs

We’re all looking at you, Islam.

And Christianity from 950-1350

“Yeah sure Islam is a global threat to all of us in 2016, but let’s not forget how Christianity fought back against Jihad hundreds of years ago.”


And Christianity from 950-1350

I assume you’re talking about the Crusades? Or do you mean the CATHOLIC church? Because the crusades were actually a DEfensive reaction to middle eastern (turned out to be largely muslim) attacks against (largely Christian) travelers passing through the area. Knights, etc., who didn’t have much to do went over there to defend them.

What the Catholic church did, killing people who tried to spread the Bible into the hands of the public in order to retain its financial hold over the sould of its constituents, was unforgivable, but it was NOT representative of “Christianity” in general. That was basically a horribly corrupt governmental body acting horribly corrupt.

Or did you mean something else?

Why is it they have to go back a thousand years to try to dig up some sort of dirt on Christianity that’s comparable to Islam today (and then fail at that)? Like do they not realize that actually paints Islam in an even worse light?

Author: tehcakeisapie

John is a creative writer who likes running in the desert, collapsing from heat exhaustion, and lying in hospital beds. He also likes referring to himself in the third person. John likes making others laugh almost as much as he likes peanut butter. When he's not writing, you can find John playing video games, writing about video games, and studying way too much.

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